5 Ways to Kill Your Energy Vampires

Why am I so tired?! Do you find yourself asking yourself this question as you drag yourself from one thing to the next? It’s likely you have some energy vampires sucking your energy and vitality. 🧛‍♀️

Things like poor food choices, “winging it” each day, stressing over what to eat, what to wear…the list goes on and on. Or maybe you are hanging around people who drain your energy with negative vibes. The good news is, you can beat those energy vampires with some intentionality! Here are 5 simple ways to reclaim your energy and power ❤️

1. Nutrient dense food: Food is fuel and the foundation for a successful, happy, and energetic day. Don’t discount its power and definitely don’t skip meals. Eat leafy greens, berries, nuts & seeds and whole grains. Beans for protein and fiber. 💪 If you are struggling, think what would (insert your favorite athlete name) eat? If you want to feel your best, treat your body like an athlete. I know Tom Brady is retired, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t grab a croissant and a mocha from Starbucks for breakfast.

2. Start your day with exercise: there is nothing better than a great workout to start your day! It gets all those positive endorphins pumping and you will feel unstoppable. Bonus if you leave your phone beside your bed until after your morning workout to avoid any negative news spirals or social media scrolling. 🙌

3. Minimize decision fatigue: Have a go-to healthy breakfast and lunch planned out in advance. Don’t waste time thinking about what you will wear. Eliminate as many decisions and details in your daily routine so you don’t have to think about it. Planning ahead is key. Nothing drains my energy more than asking everyone in my family what they want to eat for dinner at the end of a long day.

4. Acknowledge your emotions: Suppressing emotions doesn’t feel good. It will show up as neck tension, headaches, and exhaustion. Let your emotions out, so you can feel better and move on. I love journaling for this, get all those thoughts out and down on paper.

5. People: you absorb the energy of those around you. Find the most positive people who give you life and energy, it’s contagious. ⚡️


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