A Blog for Health Conscious Women

Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Chia Pudding Recipe

Here’s a straightforward, no-fuss recipe that’s perfect for anyone looking to dive into a delicious and nutritious start to their day or enjoy a refreshing snack anytime. This Raspberry Chia & Oats Delight is not just easy to make but is also incredibly satisfying. Let’s get right into it!

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Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Nourishing Your Brain: The Impact of Diet on Cognitive Health

As a certified nutrition coach and a mom of two little ones, I've learned that the food we eat plays a crucial role in more than just our physical health. Our diet is intimately connected to our brain health, influencing everything from our cognitive functions to our emotional well-being.

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Food Natalie Paul Food Natalie Paul

Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas for On-the-Go Plant-Based Moms

I’m a hockey mom, dance mom, and baseball mom and I spend my afternoons running from one activity to the next. Being a busy mom on the go doesn't mean compromising on a healthy, plant-based diet. In fact, there are numerous quick and nutritious plant-based snacks that can easily fit into your hectic schedule. Here are some delightful and nourishing snack ideas specially curated for the on-the-go plant-based mom:

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